Thursday, 1 January 2009

No Tirupati Darshan for Poors

Living with my maternal grandparents during my early child-hood days helped me to experience village life very closely. I have seen the laborers, who used to work on my grand parents' farms, sitting on ground, barefooted and a few feet away. I have seen a large number of people including kids, youth and aged gathering in our hall to watch Ramayana and Mahabharata on the lone TV nearby. I have seen my grand father walking down kilometers every day and night.I saw it all ploughing, sowing and harvesting, i saw celebrating festivals in a totally village like fashion.But what interesting here is that I saw left over butter milk being offered to animals as there were no takers for the same, but today its anachronistic, You know it sells today.I never imagined I would be myself a witness to the selling of things which were once given for free or put to waste.Today we see water selling for a price more than the price of the petrol, we see butter milk being sold in streets by hawkers as well by Amol,we see every thing being capable of being sold and purchased.We see quite a diffrent and paradoxical things, like every thing being convertible in money still we have scarcity of money.

We built Cultural, Architectural and Religious buildings and entry to them used to be free once, then government or the controlling organisations started levying some charges for maintenance etc. which were quite justified.

We discovered and developed mathematics and found the concepts of equality and inequality. We crafted our Constitution, being held as the highest law of land and there also we meticulously wrote in Article 14 that equality before law and law of equal opportunity are our fundamental rights.

We believe that every one is equal before the lord but money has generated inequality here also and has made some more equal than others as now you can buy time to visit Tirupati.Its height of business being made out of every thing, If it goes like that then there should be restricted visit to the temple. Not all should be allowed to visit only people who have big pockets should have an entry, People its time to find a new temple for the poors.

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